Poster abstract details
Photometric amplitudes and phases of B-type main sequence pulsators: sources of inaccuracy
Jadwiga Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, Wojciech Szewczuk
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\noindent {\large\bf Photometric amplitudes and phases of B-type main sequence pulsators:
sources of inaccuracy}
\centerline{Jadwiga Daszy\'nska-Daszkiewicz, Wojciech Szewczuk}
\centerline{Instytut Astronomiczny, Uniwersytet Wroc{\l}awski, Kopernika 11, POLAND}
Amplitudes and phases of the light variation in various photometric passband
contain information not only about \textbf{geometry of pulsation modes}
but also about \textbf{mean stellar parameters, physics} and \textbf{atmospheres}.
Moreover, because oscillation spectra of main sequence stars lack equidistance patterns,
these observables are very often the only ones from which mode identification can be derived.
Therefore, it is of high importance to know what is the effect of various parameters,
coming both from computation of linear nonadiabatic stellar pulsation
as well as from models of stellar atmospheres, on theoretical values
of photometric amplitudes and phases.
Here, we discuss all possible sources of uncertainty, in particular, effects
of \textbf{chemical composition, opacities} and \textbf{NLTE atmospheres}.