Poster abstract details
Kinetic and Magnetic Helicities of Flare Productive and Dormant Active Regions
R. A. Maurya and A. Ambastha
Solar transient activities, viz., flares and CMEs, are caused by changes in the magnetic field topology in solar atmosphere. These changes are brought about by the magnetic field lines that are rooted beneath the photosphere, where they interact with sub-surface flows. We have found that sub-surface flows in flare-productive active regions possess larger gradients in meridional component of velocity. We have also found that the flows patterns in these active regions are twisted around the depth of 2-5Mm below the surface as compared to quiet regions. We expect that this twist in the sub-surface flows may be correlated with the twist of magnetic fields. We derive kinetic helicity of sub-surface flows and helicity of magnetic fields using ring diagram analysis and photospheric vector magnetic fields, respectively. We have attempted to understand the relationship between sub-surface flow parameters (helicity, vorticity, gradients, etc.) and magnetic field parameters (helicity, alpha-best, energy, etc.). This has been applied to a large sample of flare productive and dormant active regions in order to obtain statistically significant conclusions, which may advance our understanding of the relationship between sub-surface flows and magnetic fields, and the mechanism of the solar transients.