Poster abstract details
What can we lean from Kappa Ceti about the evolution of life?
Karoff C.
Kappa Ceti is to many known as the young solar twin because its global
stellar parameters mimic those we would expect for the Sun at the time
life started to evolve on the Earth. Kappa Ceti therefore represent a
unique laboratory for understanding the activity of the Sun when life
evolved on the Earth. One interesting aspect here is the hypothesis put
forward by Svensmark that the changing solar activity results in a changing
flux of cosmic rays at the Earth, which result in a changing low-attitude
cloud coverage and thus a changing climate. Was this also the case four
billion years ago and what effect did it have on the evolution of life?
Based on the X-ray and UV activity that is measured in Kappa Ceti today
we here try to estimate what effect the Sun had on the climate on the
young Earth and thus on the evolution of life - given that Svensmark's
hypothesis is correct.