Poster abstract details
Opacity measurements in laboratory
Loisel, G., Turck-Chièze, S., Gilles, G., Piau, L., Thais, F.
High energy laser facilities allow to produce plasma in stellar conditions of temperature and density. The development of pico second laser is a promising way to study LTE conditions useful for the development of helio and asteroseismology. The association of nano and pico lasers is recently explored to solve some specific atomic transitions and some astrophysical identified problems on solar and beta cepheids cases. Indeed, the measurements of absorption spectra in different wavelengths are useful to estimate the radiative transfer of energy and the radiative acceleration, two crucial elements to properly describe the excitation of the modes by kappa mechanism and the competition between the different microscopic processes in action in radiative zones of stars. It is also useful for nuclear inertial fusion.
We present first an historical point of view of the measurements done in the past. Then we discuss the experiments performed during the last two campaigns. They are useful to qualify the calculations and to point out the experimental difficulties. We finally show our plan for the next years on the experimental and theoretical sides.
Ref of recent publications on this field: Loisel et al. HEDP (2009); Turck-Chièze et al., HEDP (2009).