Poster abstract details
The HMI Local Helioseismology Pipeline
Richard S. Bogart, Philip H. Scherrer, Junwei Zhao
The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on the Solar Dynamics Observatory
is the first mission for which the mission data products rely on techniques
of local helioseismology. Three basic approaches are to be incorporated
in the HMI data pipeline: ring-diagram analysis of localized power spectra,
time-distance analysis of point-to-point travel times, and farside analysis
of the same. These techniques have been developed and are being regularly
applied in the analysis of data from the MDI instrument and the GONG network.
HMI however will be the first instrument to combine the high spatial
resolution of MDI with the full spatial coverage and continuity of GONG.
The data flow will consequently place unprecedented demands on the local
helioseismology processing. In this paper we present descriptions of the
analysis modules to be used in the pipeline (and to be made available for
additional targeted analysis), the data products to be produced, and how
local helioseiemology is integrated into the overall HMI data pipeline.