Talk abstract details
Frequency statistics of rapidly rotating star p-mode spectrum
Lignières, F., Georgeot, B.
A possible way to analyze the rich spectra of $\delta$ Scuti stars observed by Corot is to consider their statistical properties. These properties can then be compared with model predictions. Here, we model the distribution of consecutive frequency spacings (scaled by the mean frequency spacing) in the framework of a p-modes asymptotic theory for rapidly rotating stars (F. Lignières & B. Georgeot 2009). According to this theory based on ray dynamics, the acoustic spectrum of rapidly rotating stars is a superposition of frequency subsets associated with dynamically independent regions of the ray dynamics phase space. The consecutive frequency distribution thus results from the superposition of statistically independent frequency distributions and is close to Poisson. This is in stark contrast with the consecutive frequency distribution of non-rotating or slowly rotating stars (as confirmed by solar data). Implications for the seismology of rapildy rotating stars will be discussed.