Talk abstract details
Solar-like oscillations disclose the internal structure of the CoRoT red giant HR 7349
Miglio, A., Carrier, F., Montalban.,J., Morel, T., Eggenberger, P., Noels, A., Scuflaire, R., D’Antona, F., Ventura, P. et al.
HR 7349 is a bright [V=5.8] red giant observed by CoRoT in the sismo field of the first long run. The analysis of the CoRoT lightcurve allowed us to detect nineteen solar-like oscillation modes (both radial and non-radial), revealing a regular echelle diagramme characterized by large and small frequency spacings.
We address the modelling of this most promising target taking into account all available observational constraints, and considering models in different evolutionary stages. In the observed oscillation frequencies we find clear evidence for the signature of a sharp feature in the envelope of the star, related to the second Helium ionization zone. HR 7349 represents the first star, other than the Sun, for which we have at our disposal a local probe of the physical conditions of the envelope: prospects of this detection will be discussed in detail.