Girona Conference

Blazars, Black Holes and Jets

9-12th September 1996

Girona, Spain

Hotel Information

What hotels are available?

We have selected 3 conference hotels. All have been inspected by the local organising committee and found to be excellent. Prices are below half of the normal room rates that these hotels offer.

How do I make my reservation?

Just fill in the hotel information on the registration form and submit it, preferably by e-mail. We ask you to state a first and second preference as we are not sure what demand for places there will be at each hotel. Your registration will be passed to Girona, where the appropriate bookings will be made for you. If you cannot be fitted into your first choice hotel, we will place you in your second choice. We will confirm your choice by e-mail, so that you know which hotel has been reserved. There is no need to send any money at this time! We will tell you when the booking is confirmed, how and when to pay.