Girona Conference

Blazars, Black Holes and Jets

9-12th September 1996

Girona, Spain

Second Circular

(Updated: June, 7th 1996)

This meeting will be held from September 9-12th 1996, at Girona in northeastern Spain. The conference information in the IAC home page in the World Wide Web (the address is given below) is updated regularly. A large number of people have already registered. Registration forms are available with this mailing, by e-mail, or in the IAC Home Page (

Abstracts may be found within the Girona conference page in the internet at the address above. Please check yours to ensure that it is correctly shown. The scientific quality of the abstracts is very high indeed. Please note that sometimes the abstracts are posted some time after receipt; this depends on our workload at the time that they are received.

Abstract and Registration Deadline and Registration Fees

Please note that our deadline for submitting oral papers to the conference is July 15th. If you have registered, but, as in many cases, not submitted a final abstract, you must submit it by the July 15th deadline if you wish to make an oral presentation.

Poster papers will be accepted until July 31st, from which point they will be accepted only if space permits. The registration fee for the conference is:

Fees should be paid by bank transfer to the following account:

	2030 0024 27 3300004968
This account is held at the:

The address and telephone of the bank are:

	Caixa de Girona
	Oficina Salt Major
	17190 SALT

	telephone: + 34 72  233411 (from outside Spain), 
                      (972) 233411 (inside Spain)

Registration fees can also be paid in cash on arrival in Girona. If you wish to pay by credit card we regret that the only form that the bank will permit this to be done is by paying through your own bank, giving them instructions debit your credit card to the above account. Our bank advises us that they are not permitted by law to accept credit card payments direct.

Scientific Programme

Change in invited speakers

We are pleased to report that Prof. Felix Mirabel has agreed to replace Prof. Rashid Sunyaev (who is unable to attend) as an invited speaker.

Due to the large degree of interest in the conference expressed by Galactic black hole workers, we intend to increase the amount of time dedicated to the topic and will probably reschedule the first Galactic black hole session to an earlier day. Programme news will be given with the conference timetable in the third mailing, approximately 1 month before the conference starts.

Scientific aims of the conference

Our aim is to bring together as many of the top experts as we can in blazar research and in the field of Galactic objects related to blazars (eg: black hole candidates, objects with jets, etc.) which can teach us about the similarities and differences between the Galactic and extra-galactic objects. We aim to foment an atmosphere of friendly and businesslike discussion. We hope that, if nothing else, the week leads to a thorough review of what is known and provides ideas for future research. The meeting format is planned in such a way to allow everyone who wishes to participate directly in the discussion to do so, whether that person is a current Ph.D student, or an established researcher.

Apart from presented papers, there will be a number of specially invited reviews. These are divided into two categories: ``Key Note talks", which will open each daily session and relate to the day's main topic and ``Invited Reviews", which will usually have a more observational basis and will open the afternoon sessions. Apart from the normal question sessions after the talks, extensive time will be made available for informal and more formal discussion. An interesting and varied group of invited speakers are on the programme.

These are:
Alex Smith, Esko Valtaoja, Geoffrey Burbidge, Felix Mirabel, Alan Marscher, Buell Jannuzi, José Miguel Rodríguez-Espinosa and Laura Maraschi.

How to get to Girona

Girona has its own airport, close to the city. Despite plans to start regular flights, none are currently available. Girona only receives charter flights at present; a list of companies and destinations is given below. The airport is 14km from the city by taxi and 4km from the nearest railway station. There is no bus service. The cheapest option is to take a taxi to the railway station and the train to Girona. Girona railway station is very close to the centre of the town and a few blocks from the Charlemany and Peninsular hotels.

We recommend Barcelona airport as the most comfortable alternative flight destination due to its good communications and wide range of international destinations (including direct flights to and from the USA by Delta). All regular flights to the region are sent to Barcelona airport.

For people who prefer train travel, Barcelona has long distance train services to a number of European destinations, most of these trains stop in Girona before arriving at Barcelona. Your travel agent will advise you about this.

Getting to the conference from Barcelona airport you have two alternative methods:

Grants and assistance

We have had many problems getting funding for grants and assistance. Most grants which are offered will be paid from registration fees and other money received and from offers of special accomodation.

Publication of the proceedings

The conference proceedings will be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers as a special volume of Astrophysics and Space Science.

All papers will be refereed by member(s) of the Scientific Organising Committee. Whilst the refereeing process will be gentler than for a normal publication in a journal, we wish to ensure good standards of scientific rigour and written english, so that the published volume is of high quality; the referees are there to help you attain this (if necessary), not to make life difficult! Their aim is to point out errors and inaccuracies, not to criticise particularly the science that is presented.

Hotel information

We have reserved large blocks of rooms in the two main conference hotels (Charlemany and Peninsular). At present there is no pressure on hotel space. For students and visitors on very tight budgets we have special hostel accomodation in the city at particularly low prices ($5-10 per night, but without meals). Please contact the organisers if you need such accomodation putting "Hostel accomodation" in the message header. Few people have requested the Sol Hotel, so we expect no problems at all with those who wish to stay there, even if they book late.

As we have negociated a block discount rate we request that you pay your hotel stay on arrival and registration on-site (NOT AT THE HOTEL!). We will settle your room bills, whilst guests will only pay the hotel directly for any extras (telephone, room service, etc). You will receive a detailed bill with your registration.

If you want further information

Please contact: Jose Antonio de Diego, UNAM, Mexico ( or Mark Kidger, IAC, Spain ( or look at the latest news on the World Wide Web in the IAC home page.

Flight information for Girona

The following cities/airports have charter flights to Girona. Most companies will accept flight-only bookings. Ask your travel agent to check flight availability with the listed companies and/or connections with scheduled flights from your point of origin to these cities. In some cases your cheapest return flight option may be a flight to one of these airports, to connect with a charter direct to Girona:

City/airport Company or companies
Copenhagen PremiAir
Vienna Centenial
Brussels SobelAir
Amsterdam SobelAir
Dusseld\"orf SobelAir
Riga Latvia
Dublin Britannia
Moscow Aeroflot, Russia
London Gatwick Airtour, Britania, Monarch, Air2000
Glasgow Airtour, Britania, Monarch, Air2000
Manchester Airtour, Britania, Monarch, Air2000
Belfast Airtour
East Midlands Britania
Cardiff Britania
Leeds Airtour
Newcastle Airtour