Scientific rationale
The aim of the workshop is to bring together scientists with an interest in the determination of atomic data, with a focus on the ions of interest to nebular astrophysics. We hope to foster interaction between theorists, observational astrophysicists and ISM modelers in which the expertise of each can serve as feedback to the others. A tentative list of topics includes the following:
- How can uncertainties in atomic data be evaluated?
- How do uncertainties in atomic data propagate in chemical abundances?
- How can we ensure that atomic data are correctly understood and used?
- Which observations might serve as feedback to atomic data calculations?
- When shopping around for data, which data are best, and why?
- How do current uncertainties limit applications to nebular astrophysics? What precision is attainable, in particular for He data?
- For which ions are new, better atomic data urgently required?