
In preparation for the workshop, to maximize the learning opportunities of the proposal tools and to ensure a smooth start for all the hands-on sessions it is important to complete the following actions ahead of time. Doing so will give you the opportunity to contact the JWST Help Desk to resolve any installation issues prior to the start of the workshop.

ACTION # 1Installation of Software:

ACTION # 2 – Creation of your MyST account

ACTION # 3Review of available information on the JWST Instruments and the scientific modes



Astronomer Proposal Tool (APT)  Version 25.4.3

Needed to write, validate and submit the proposal – it Includes the NIRSpec MOS Proposal Tool (MPT). Version 25.4.2 will be used to submit Cycle 1 proposals.

Installation instructions:



Exposure Time Calculator (ETC)

In order to save and share ETC workbooks users need to have a MyST account

Please, get an account before the start of the workshop by visiting

ETC is a Web application so no further installation is needed:

Web Application:

For support installing any of the above packages, please contact the STScI Helpdesk:



The presentations and the hands on session at the workshop assume that the participant have a basic knowledge of JWST, its instruments and observing modes.

Material from previous workshops, webinars and lectures is available on line.  Below a selection of links that could help in preparing the workshop

Integral field Spectroscopy with JWST

Multi Object Spectroscopy with JWST

Single Object Spectroscopy and time series observations with JWST

Coronagraphy with JWST