Time |
Speaker |
Title |
9:15 |
Francisco Sánchez (IAC) |
Welcome address |
9:30 |
William S. Smith (AURA) |
Strategies for Optimizing Scientific Productivity for Future Observatories: A “Flat World” for Astronomical Research |
10:00 |
Bruno Leibundgut (ESO) |
Astrophysics for the next decade |
10:30 |
Jerry Nelson (TMT)
TMT: The next generation of segmented mirror telescopes |
11:00 |
Coffee |
11:30 |
Taft Armandroff (KECK) |
W.M. Keck Observatory: Instrumentation, Adaptive Optics and Scientific Productivity |
12:00 |
Jéan René Roy (GEMINI) |
Gemini as Pathfinder for 21st Century Astronomy |
12:30 |
Masanori Iye (SUBARU) |
Subaru instruments, science achievements,
and future plans |
13:15 |
Lunch Time |
15:00 |
Thomas Henning (LBT & MPIA) |
From Disks to Planets - The Large Facilities |
15:30 |
Phil Charles (SALT) |
Science with SALT in the ELT era: a "low-cost" option |
16:00 |
Pedro Álvarez (GTC) |
The GTC: a Technological & Scientific Pathfinder for ELTs |
16:30 |
Coffee |
17:00 |
Alfonso Serrano (GTM) |
GTM key astronomy challenges in the next decade |
17:30 |
Tony Tyson (LSST, UC Davis) |
New frontiers with LSST: leveraging world facilities |
18:00 |
José Franco (SASIR, IA-UNAM) |
Science with the Synoptic All Sky IR Survey Telescope (SASIR) |
18:30 |
All |
Wine & Cheese Discussion |
Seminar Dinner