ESO/IAC Workshop on

Quasar Hosts

24-27 September 1996

Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain


			Monday, September 23rd 

17:30     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre 

19:30     Informal gathering at the Puerto Palace hotel (Bar by the pool)

			Tuesday, September 24th 

08:30     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre 

09:30     Welcome Addresses  

		Session 1. Unification and Evolution 

               (Rodriguez-Espinosa, chair)

09:40     Introductory Overview                            Fosbury 

10:00     The Alignment Effect in radio-loud AGN:	   di Serego Alighieri
          10 years after                                   

10:30     Cygnus-A: Host Galaxy of a Nearby Quasar?        Cabrera-Guerra  

10:50     Coffee Break      

		Session 2. Radio Galaxies at High Redshift

11:20     Radio Galaxies at High Redshift          	   McCarthy 

11:50	  The Nature of the Extended UV Continuum  	   Tadhunter 
          Emission in Radio Galaxies and Quasars 

12:10	  Shocks in High-z Radio Galaxies  	           Clark   

12:30	  Extranuclear Regions and Obscured  Quasars 	   Cimatti  
          in Distant Radio Galaxies: Clues 
          from Keck Observations    

12:50     Lunch           

		Session 3. The Radio Loud/Quiet Dichotomy 

                (Crane, chair)

14:40     Infrared Imaging and Off-Nuclear    		   Kukula & Dunlop
	  Spectroscopy of Quasar Hosts

15:10     Radio Emission and the Host Galaxies of RQQs     Kukula 

15:20  	  HST Imaging of z>0.5 7C and 3C Quasars     	   Serjeant   

15:40	  HST Imaging of BL Lac Host Galaxies         	   Falomo       

16:00	  Coffee Break      

16:40     NIR imaging of BL Lac Host galaxies              Heidt
17:00     Radio polarization studies and the unified       Saikia

17:20	  HST imaging of Host Galaxies Selected by    	   Hooper
          Quasar Radio and Optical Properties  
17:40     Poster Session          

19:30     Welcome Reception (at the "Risco Bello" Gardens)         

Wednesday, September 25th _________________________ 08:45 Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre Session 4. Observing Quasar Host Galaxies _________________________________________ (Perez-Fournon, chair) 09:30 Host Galaxies of Nearby Quasars Woltjer and Radio Galaxies 10:00 Insights into AGN Host Galaxies from IR McLeod Observations 10:20 The more visible hosts detected with the Disney HST PC Camera 10:50 Coffee Break 11:20 HST Images of 20 Nearby Luminous Quasars Bahcall 12:00 NIR imaging of low z QSO fields Hutchings 12:20 Observations of high redshift QSOs with the Hutchings CFHT AO system 12:40 Lunch Session 5. Observing Quasar Host Galaxies (continued) _____________________________________________________ (Fosbury, chair) 14:40 The Nature of Radio Emission from Radio Barthel Quiet QSOs 15:10 Using Adaptive Optics to Study Quasar Hosts Bremer 15:30 Results and techniques for the less visible Boyce host galaxies in an HST program with the PC 15:50 Extensions around z=2 Radio Quiet Quasars Aretxaga 16:10 Coffee Break Session 6. Star Formation and the ISM in Quasar Hosts _____________________________________________________ 16:40 Molecular Gas in Quasar Hosts Barvainis 17:10 CO Emission from a z=4.7 Quasar Yamada 17:30 Molecular Gas and Star Formation Schinnerer in the QSO IZw1 17:50 The Major Epoch of Star Formation in Taniguchi Hosts of High z Quasars 18:10 The Nuclei of NGC 1068 and the Circinus Galaxy Thatte 18:30 Deep multi-color CCD imaging of high-z QSOs Ghosh 18:50 Poster Session Thursday, September 26th ________________________ Session 7. Star Formation and the ISM in Quasar Hosts (continued) _________________________________________________________________ 09:30 ISO Observations of Quasars and Quasar Hosts Wilkes 10:00 ISO Observations of the CfA Seyfert Sample Rodriguez-Espinosa 10:20 Mid-IR Imaging of QSOs Hughes 10:40 Coffee Break 11:20 Origin of the B-K Colour in Quasars Srianand 11:40 Using HI to probe AGN Hosts and Mundell their Nuclei 12:00 The Environments of Radio Quiet Quasars Goldschmidt -12:20 12:40 Lunch Session 8. Low Redshift Populations ___________________________________ 14:40 The ULIRG Quasar Connection Sanders and Surace 15:10 ISO-SWS Results on Ultraluminous Galaxies Rigopoulou 15:30 ISO-SWS Results on Seyfert Galaxies Rigopoulou 15:40 The Quest for Type 2 QSOs with ASCA Yamada and Quasar Hosts 16:00 Coffee Break 16:30 The Local Luminosity Function of Quasars Wisotzki 16:50 Near-IR Optical Colours of Gonzalez-Serrano low-luminosity Radio Quasars 17:10 X-Ray Extended AGN in the ROSAT Nass All-Sky Survey 17:30 A Search for Galaxies with Variable Trevese Nuclei 17:50 The Compact Dark Mass at the Centre Eckart of the Galaxy 18:10 Poster Session 20:30 Conference Dinner (at the "Risco Bello" Gardens) Friday, September 27th ______________________ Session 9. Panel Discussion and Workshop's Closing __________________________________________________ 09:30 Round-table Discussion and Conference Summary 10:40 Coffee Break 12:00 Excursion to the Teide Observatory and Teide National Park 20:30 Arrival at hotels in Puerto de la Cruz Saturday, September 28th ________________________ Optional Excursion to the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on the Island of La Palma.