ESO/IAC Workshop on

Quasar Hosts

24-27 September 1996

Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain


All participants are invited to join a trip to the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (ORM), the international observatory located on the neighbouring Island of La Palma, on Saturday September 28th. The cost of the trip is 11000 pesetas, which includes a return ticket from Tenerife North airport to La Palma, and transport to and from your hotel. Other expenses on the Island are being met jointly by the conference organizers and the local Tourist board.

The Island of La Palma is the furthest from the African coast, and lies NW of the archipelago. With an extension of 728 square km, it is the island with the highest peaks in the world in relation to its surface. The Roque de Los Muchachos peak reaches an altitude of 2426 metres and hosts the observatory bearing its name. One of the most impressive scenes is the Caldera de Taburiente, a depression adjacent to the Roque de los Muchachos 9000 m in diameter, 800 m deep and a circumference of 28000 m, which participants will have a chance to visit.

For information on the telescopes installed at the ORM, please visit our Web site at


Due to restrictions imposed by the local air company BINTER, (i) we are forced to book tickets by early September, and (ii) tickets cannot be returned or changed, so by booking you are committing yourself to purchasing the ticket!!! We therefore urge all those interested in taking part in the trip, to let us know (either in the appropriate section of the registration form or by separate e-mail) as soon as possible. Those of you who have already expressed interest in the tour, will be booked a seat, unless you cancel promptly. Please prepare to pay for the trip fee at the registration desk upon arrival at the conference. Only cash and eurocheques /travellers cheques accepted!

The approximate programme of events is as follows:

06:30 	Bus leaves hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

07:40	Departure from Tenerife North airport

08:10 	Arrival at La Palma

08:30	Departure from La Palma airport, and transfer
	to the ORM.

10:00	Arrival at the ORM

10:30	Observatory tour and snack

14:30	Departure ORM and transfer to restaurant for
	late lunch

17:00	Visit to the capital, Santa Cruz de La Palma

18:00	Transfer to airport for return flight at 19:00

20:30	Arrival at hotels in Puerto de la Cruz