Registration Fee
A registration fee of 20000 ptas. (US$130, early registration before dead-line i.e. April 1st 1999) or 25000 ptas. (US$165, late registration, at conference desk) will be charge covering conference attendance, 5 lunches at the University or I.A.C., coffee breaks, transport, conference proceedings and various material.

The fee is to be paid by Bank Transfer to:

Bank name: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya.
Bank Address: c/ Obispo Rey Redondo 25, E-38201 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
Full account number: 0182 0772 45 0000 134741.
Bank: 0182; Branch: 0772; Sorting Code: 45; Account number: 0000 134741.

Please, QUOTE YOUR NAME and the following REFERENCE with your bank transfer: "Oxford VI Conference".

It is also possible to pay the registration fee by credit card (VISA or Mastercard/Access, but not AMEX). In this case, please quote your card number and expiry date in your Registration Form.


We really hope to offer some financial support to students and/or colleagues from Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, etc., i.e. not coming from  Western Europe, Japan, Australia, Canada or USA.

Grants will cover either the registration fee (some $80, excluding proceedings), full board for eight days (evening of 20th to morning of 28th) in García Cabrera Student Residence (some $120), a travel aid (some $300) or a complete grant ($500).

Availability of funds will depend on the final budget but our intention is to offer, at least, some 10 full grants and a few of the other type.


If you are interested, please do not forget to fill in the corresponding grant form at the end of this letter and send it back to us before the November 15th 1998. We hope to have the Grant Program closed for the end of 1998.

Together with the Grant Application, please do not forget to send an extended Abstract with references, no less than 1500 words long.

Grants will be offered after a selection process which will take into account the recommendations of a special Scientific Committee. The selection criteria will be based on the scientific interest of the contribution, and also on the country of origin and/or residence, etc.