IAU Colloquium No. 186:


21st - 25th January, 2002

Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Spain

Organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


----- Call for Papers -----


Conference Proceedings

The conference proceedings will contain the invited and contributed papers (both oral and poster presentations) of the conference. A few invited papers are foreseen to be included - as full version - in the upcoming edition of the book "Comets II", published by University of Arizona Press. The editors will make an attempt to include at least shorter versions of these talks in the proceedings of the Tenerife conference.

The proceedings of the conference will be published in "Earth, Moon, and Planets", the journal for solar system science of Kluwer Publishers, The Netherlands.

Proceedings Editors

The guest editors of the conference proceedings, invited by the editor-in-chief of the Journal, Prof. M. Bailey (Armagh), are:
Hermann Boehnhardt (ESO Chile; coordinator)
Mike Combi (Univ. of Michigan Ann Harbor)
Mark Kidger (IAC Tenerife)
Rita Schulz (ESTEC Noordwijk)

Paper Types and Page Numbers

Three different paper contributions are foreseen:

Invited papers are expected from the review talks presented at the conference.

Contributed papers are invited from researchers giving 15min oral or posters presentations at the conference.

Alternatively, research notes about on-going work can also be submitted for publication. Research notes should be short and concise and should report on the main results achieved so far. However, more details (including tables and figures if needed) than given in the conference abstract are expected.

Page Charges

No page charges except for color reproduction (see below) will be applied for papers that are submitted to be published in the conference proceedings.


All papers (invited and contributed papers as well as research notes) must be submitted by:

After review by a referee (see below), the revised versions of the papers must be resubmitted within 4 WEEKS after notifications were sent by the editors (together with the referee report, see below) to the authors.

In order to allow fast publication of the conference proceedings strict deadlines for the paper submission/revision will be applied.

The publication of the proceedings is intended for the end of 2002 to early 2003.

Proceedings Format

The conference proceedings will be published in the format of the journal.

It is foreseen to issue the collection of invited papers as hardcopy book. Contributed papers will be printed in paperback version.

Paper Format for First Submission

The first version of the paper has to be submitted as postscript file. The postscript file has to be produced using LATEX according to the "Instructions for Authors of the Journal". The instructions and all necessary files are available from:

Papers using old style files and layouts of the journal or those of other publications and any kind of other submission format will not be accepted.

It is the responsibility of the authors to make sure that the submitted paper and its final version do comply with the rules set for the journal.

Paper Refereeing and Acceptance

Following the rules of the publishing journal, all papers submitted for the conference proceedings will be refereed and, based upon the referee comments, revision of the paper may be asked for. The referee reports will be provided to the authors of the paper.

The guest editors of the conference together with the editor-in-chief of the journal will decide on acceptance of the papers for publication.

Submission and Processing of Papers

Paper submission: the original paper should be submitted as single postscript file to an anonymous ftp server at ESO (ftp.eso.org).
After login change to the proceedings directory /incoming/comets  and create a new directory with the name of the first author and put the manuscript under a file name of your own choice (for instance author1_version1)

IMPORTANT NOTE: the anonymous ftp server will not allow you to read the directory structure and you will not be able to list the directory and content after the file ownership is changed by an automatic program (typically every 15min). You can only transfer files to the server, but it will be impossible to retrieve any file from there.

The commands for creation of the directory and storage of the postscript file of the paper are:

Please make sure that the version transferred to the ESO server arrives completely and safely at the anonymous ftp account.

After successful file transmission please inform immediately the editors that the manuscript was transferred to the ESO server by sending an email to:
comets@eso.org with  Subject: paper submitted
and giving:

Paper Processing

Upon correct reception of the paper by the editors, a notification will be sent to the author via email using the email address(es) of the submission announcement.

The paper will be given to a referee for review. Based upon the referee report, the editors of the proceedings may ask the authors for revision of the paper.

The authors will be notified by the editors on the acceptance of their papers for the conference proceedings.

The Kluwer Publishers will distribute the proofs of the papers to the authors and take care of the shipment of the published conference proceedings to the registered recipients.

Color Figures

By default only b/w figures should be used for the papers of the proceedings. However, if requested by the authors and upon recommendation of the guest editors, the journal will also accept color figures. The page charges for color figures will be charged to the authors (and will not be covered by the conference budget nor the journal). The baseline price for a full-colored page is 500 Euro, or 125 Euro for each supported colored page (e.g. black with red lines = 125 Euro). More than 1 supported color counts as full color.

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For questions and/or suggestions regarding the conference, please contact halebopp@ll.iac.es

Comments about these pages to D. R. Gonçalves:  invweb@ll.iac.es
Last modified: January 17, 2002
