IAU Colloquium No. 186:


21st - 25th January, 2002

Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Spain

Organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


Third Announcement

(December, 2001)


Cometary Science after Hale-Bopp is intended to be the follow-up of The First International Conference on Comet Hale-Bopp held in 1998. It represents a dedicated conference on comets and aims at covering the progress in cometary science made since 1998. The conference will consist of invited and contributed oral as well as contributed poster presentations.

The tentative programme covers the following topics:

Further (and updated) information can be obtained by e-mail request to the LOC address or on the IAC WWW home page: http://research.iac.es/proyecto/halebopp/or in the American Mirror site at: http://r2d2.stcloudstate.edu/

This second announcement is also a call for contributions. If you are interested in attending the meeting and/or contributing a paper (oral or poster), please send the attached registration form to the LOC:



R. Schulz (Chair, Netherlands), N. Biver (France), H. Campins (USA), M. Festou (France), K. Jockers (Germany), D. Lazzaro (Brazil), B. Marsden (USA), J. Ortiz (Spain), G.P. Tozzi (Italy), R. West (Germany), M. Womack (USA)

Advisers to the SOC

M. A'Hearn (USA), H. Boehnhardt (Chile), M. Combi (USA), M.R. Kidger (Spain), H. Rickman (Sweden), G. Schwehm (Netherlands)


Mark R Kidger (Chair, IAC), Judith de Araoz (IAC), Eva Bejarano (IAC), Tanja Karthaus (IAC), Javier Méndez (RMO), Sibylle Peschke (VILSPA)


IAU Grant Applications October 1st, 2001
Abstract Submission October 14th, 2001
Registration October 31st, 2001
Hotel Booking December 14th, 2001
Hotel Cancellations January 17th, 2002



All participants who wish to present a contribution to this Conference are kindly requested to submit an abstract of their talk(s)/poster(s) before October 14th. You will be informed by the end of October whether it will be oral or poster in accordance with the decision of the SOC. You can do this by filling in the appropriate form at the end of this announcement. Participants will receive a booklet containing the abstracts of all the contributions that arrived on time at the conference desk.

Late papers: Give the fact that Comet C/2001 WM1 (LINEAR) is expected to be observed by many groups in November and December 2001, after the deadline for submission of papers, a special opportunity will be given for late submission of papers on this comet. These may be oral or poster. A few slots will be reserved for oral papers on C/2001 WM1 (LINEAR). These abstracts should be submitted no later than 09UT on Wednesday January 2nd, 2002. Reserved slots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.

There will be a sufficient number of panels available in a room adjacent to the conference hall for display of posters during the whole duration of the Conference.

The participant contributions will be published as refereed contributions in a special issue of the Journal Earth, Moon & Planets. Details of publications are being settled and will be communicated by the editors of the proceedings. Some of the presentations may appear instead as chapters in the forthcoming Comets II book.


The Conference Registration Fee a flat 30000 Pesetas (180.30 EUR) or 150 US$. The fee should be paid by credit card (only VISA or MASTER card, are accepted) or in cash at the Registration Desk upon arrival.

Please note that for those participants who wish to pay in advance, up to December 31st 2001 the registration fee will be charged to your credit card as a transaction in Spanish Pesetas. From January 1st 2002 the charge will be made in Euros and Pesetas can no longer be used, nor can they be accepted for payment at the registration desk. We will accept payment in dollars at any time.

The current US dollar exchange rate is $1= 195 Pesetas (subject to exchange rate fluctuations). The fixed Euro exchange rate is 1 EUR= 166.386 Pesetas.


IAU Grants have already been awarded.


All participants from non-European Union countriesshould consult the Spanish Embassy or Consulate of their country and may ask us, if necessary, for a letter of invitation in order to apply for a visa. This must be done several months before the conference is set to take place, since visa applications can take quite some time. If you plan to attend the conference please do not forget to request this letter from us as soon as possible.

Please note that participants from many countries, such as USA or Japan, do not need a visa if entering Spain for less than three months.


The sessions will take place at the modern Conference Centre of Cabildo Insular de Tenerife (Island's local authority), within easy walking distance from the three hotels where participants will be accommodated. It is set within the Parque Taoro on one of the hills with a beautiful view of the centre of Puerto de la Cruz and its coasts. Apart from the Conference Centre, the park contains exotic plants and birds, and the well known Casino Taoro. This conference centre has full facilities for conference users including:

Centro de Congresos
Parque Taoro, 22

38400 Puerto de la Cruz

(+34 922-380550

Fax +34 922-383744



There will be a number of social events during the conference. The following is a first approximation to the social activities that we intend to include within the conference timetable. We will update this programme on our Web pages (Hale-Bopp) as soon as these activities have been definitively scheduled.

There will be a small suplementary charge for the visit to Bodegas Monje.

Note that the visit to Bodejas Monje will allow participants to taste some of the wines produced in their extensive vineyards and to tour the installations where the wine is produced.


Hotel bookings will be made through the LOC. We have a travel agent, who has negotiated a block booking at special rates for three hotels, very close to the conference Centre in Puerto de La Cruz. For late registrations there is NO guarantee that there will be rooms available under this set of hotels at reduced prices. If you contact the hotel directly you will be quoted a higher rate. ALL PRICES ARE IN EUROS PER ROOM/PER DAY. They include all local taxes and the hotel must add no additional costs in your bill. Spanish hotels always include breakfast (restaurant service only) in the room rate. You will only need to make an additional payment for room service at the Hotel, for extra meals or drinks and for telephone calls.

NOTE: Payment of the hotel bill will be made DIRECTLY to our Travel Agent, Mr. José Negrín, (Viajes Archipiélago) who will be at the Conference Desk every day. Only cash or credit cards (VISA or MASTER) are acceptable (no other credit cards will be accepted).


Hotel Puerto Palace ****

This hotel is slightly further away, but offers a high standard of comfort and customer service and is our recommended hotel. Think in terms of a 5-10 minutes walk to and from the conference centre, through the grounds of the Taoro Park. This hotel provides 8000 m2 of tropical gardens, four pools, two Jacuzzis, two bars, restaurant, tennis court, and various sports.

Single Room
Double Room
Bed & Breakfast (BB)
51 EUR
80 EUR
Half Board (HB)
54.15 EUR


Hotel Miramar ***

Alongside the conference centre in Parque Taoro. Offers modest but comfortable accommodation.

Single Room
Double Room
Bed & Breakfast (BB)
55.29 EUR
80.24 EUR
Half Board (HB)
66.11 EUR
102.17 EUR


Hotel Parque San Antonio ****

Also in Parque Taoro. Breakfast buffet, Buffet-restaurant, Snack-bar, pool, pool bar, discotheque, TV room, card room. Mini-bus to the town centre, five days a week.

Single Room
Double Room
Bed & Breakfast (BB)
71.52 EUR
87.45 EUR
Half Board (HB)
79.33 EUR
102.77 EUR


Booking your Hotel:

In principle, the choice among the three hotels is up to you. You may also wish to make your own accommodation arrangements. In any case, please fill in the Hotel Reservation Form provided at the end of this file and send it  directly to the LOC, specifying the name of the participant you wish to share with.

Cancellations: IMPORTANT

If you plan to cancel your reservations, please contact the LOC PRIOR to January 17th at 19:00h (local time). You will be charged the price of one night otherwise.

Hotel Addresses:

Hotel Puerto Palace
Hotel Miramar
Hotel Parque San Antonio
C/ Doctor Cobiella Zaera

38400 Puerto de la Cruz

(Phone: +34 922-372460

Fax: +34 922-373523

Parque Taoro

38400 Puerto de la Cruz

(Phone: +34 922-384811

Fax: +34 922-371067

Carretera las Arenas s/n

38400 Puerto de la Cruz

(Phone: +34 922 384851

Fax: +34 922 384776



The Canary Islands are rather remote from continental Europe, however their connection by air is extremely good. Tenerife is regularly connected to 16 foreign airports. Several times a day there are connections to the major Spanish cities, and there are direct charter flights to more than 112 foreign cities! The flight time from Madrid to Tenerife is approximately 2 hours 30 minutes.

Tenerife has two airports, one in the north Tenerife Norte (TFN), also known as Los Rodeos), and the other in the south, Tenerife Sur (TFS), also known as Reina Sofia. The airport code to search for connections to both airports is TCI. We recommend using the North Airport as this is much closer to the conference venue.

In most cases Madrid Airport Barajas will be used as transfer when coming from non-European countries. There are daily flights connecting worldwide locations and Madrid. Madrid-Tenerife is operated by IBERIA or other Spanish regular airlines (Spanair, Air Europe) and costs 300.51 EUR or less, but highly dependant on early booking and special offers. There are also daily connections operated through Barcelona for similar prices.

Given the abundant number of charter flights to Tenerife from all over Europe, connections through any other major European airport can be considered.

TFN is only connected to Spanish cities by scheduled flight, although there are now some regular charters to Germany, Austria and Switzerland, whereas TFS is a national as well as an international airport. Both have good connections for ground transportation. Please consult our Web pages for maps of the island. TFN is more convenient as it is rather closer to Puerto de La Cruz, and for flights from Madrid it has more frequent connections. In case of difficulty with a direct flight you may consider flying to Las Palmas (on the neighbouring island of Gran Canaria) and crossing to Tenerife North on the frequent Air Shuttle (a 20 minute hop).

Puerto de La Cruz lies 30 km from TFN and 90 km from TFS with a motorway link covering the full journey to both airports.

Online information about flights arriving at or departing from Madrid, Barcelona and TFS airports can be obtained at:

Local Transport

In principle the Conference LOC will not provide transport from the airport to the conference site or vice versa. These buses service - here buses are called guaguas - of the company TITSA (green buses) run frequently and cheaply. They are quite comfortable and most of them are air-conditioned. Renting a car may also be an alternative, since car rentals in Tenerife are inexpensive compared to European standards (210.34 EUR -
240.40 EUR a week for a small car). In both airports, the booths of Cicar and Autos Reisen generally offer the best rates.

If you are arriving at Tenerife South Airport (TFS) Reina Sofia

You can either take a taxi (about 60.10 EUR= 50 US$), or a bus. Bus services are as follows:

Then take the bus. The journey by bus takes about 1 ½ - 2 hours depending on connections.

If you arrive at Tenerife North Airport (TFN) Los Rodeos

A taxi would cost about 20 EUR (17 US$).

NOTE: There is a (steep uphill) walk from the bus terminal in Puerto de La Cruz to the Hotels. For this reason we recommend a taxi which will cost about 4.80 EUR.

Changing Money

If you need to change foreign currency upon arrival, there are a large number of ATM or cash dispensers for a variety of cards (VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, AMEX, etc.) for instant cash. These can be found in many places in Puerto de la Cruz and also at both airports. There is a small charge involved (approx. 4%).

There is a bank in the international arrivals lounge at the TFS, but this only operates from Monday to Friday from 08:30h to 13:30h and an exchange desk available typically from 07:00h to 24:00h. Currency exchange facilities are also available at TFN. A Bank desk opens from Monday to Friday from 08:30h to 13:30h, and an exchange desk is available from 10:00h to 14:00h and from 18:00h to 22:00h. Nevertheless, if you have the chance to exchange money at Madrid airport where the service is permanent in the international departures area, we advise you do so because of the limited bank opening hours at both Tenerife airports. Many banks are available in Puerto de La Cruz, and open Monday to Friday from 09:00h to 13:00h.


The Canarian Archipelago (Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Gomera, La Palma and El Hierro) consist of a volcanic archipelago (in the Atlantic Ocean) made up of 7 "large islands" and 6 islets, with a total of 1 605 000 inhabitants. Only one of the islets, La Graciosa, is inhabited by a very small resident population. Located at a latitude = +28º and at a longitude = 15º W. The closest island to the African continent is 80 km off the Northwest African mainland, while archipelago itself extends for 485 km in an East-West direction. Geographically, the islands are part of the African continent but from a historical, economical, political and sociocultural point of view, the Canaries are completely European.

Tenerife is the largest island in the Archipelago and the one with the most impressive geography, just over 300 km off the coast of Africa. Tenerife is an ideal island for a full and different holiday at any time of the year and has first-quality hotels and outdoor facilities, which make it a prime tourist destination in Europe. Its wonderful climate and exuberant natural wonders, including its landscapes so full of contrasts, together with the kindness and hospitality of its people make it yet more attractive to the visitor. The climate in Puerto de la Cruz is mild even in January and is often suitable for bathing, with temperatures usually in the range 18-22º C during the day and 14-16º C at night. Note though that the weather will usually change a lot in just a few kilometres as you move away from the coast (Tenerife is also famous for its many microclimates!) and there may be heavy snow and freezing temperatures in the observatory even when it is warm on the coast just 20 km away.

Modern and cosmopolitan, and at the same time steeped in its traditions, Tenerife is a paradise for those seeking amusement, sport, light and nature, or simply relaxation and peace. An island, and at the same time, a world in itself, there is always more to see and learn about in Tenerife which never ceases to surprise and always beckons us to return.

The Island's dramatic orography (Mount Teide, the highest point in Spain and one of the highest in Europe, reaches a height of 3718 metres) and the north-easterly trade winds provide Tenerife with a variety of microclimates which are among its many attractions, with landscapes ranging from desert to rainforest and volcanic badlands to rolling green hillsides.


Puerto de la Cruz is on the northern coast of the Island of Tenerife, a 25000 pop. It is a seaside resort, and about 42 km from the capital city, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The town is the main tourist centre of the north of the island, catering for "quality tourism". The mild climate and international nature of the town make it a popular place for foreigners to settle and many people come to the area to retire. This gives Puerto de la Cruz a very international atmosphere with a very active nightlife.

Restaurants can be found that cater for many types of international cuisine and it is easy to find places with their menus in many foreign languages apart from the ubiquitous Spanish, English and German; these include Swedish, Finnish, Danish, French, Dutch, Russian and Italian. A list recommended of restaurants will be provided in your conference folder.

There are facilities of all kinds in the town for visitors and their families, including a small port (used by private vessels). As in most of Tenerife, sandy beaches are in short supply (the islands are too young to have much natural sand), but there are a large complex of chlorinated and salt-water pools for swimming, the famous Lagos Martiánez and a small beach of black, volcanic sand within the town itself.

Attractions include Loro Parque, a fascinating centre that combines a park, a zoo, a large bird collection and some spectacular aquarium; the XVIII century Botanic Garden; and the sea-front area. Close to Puerto is La Orotava with its special architecture and famous old Canarian-style houses. Especially recommended are sites like "La casa de los Balcones" (the house with balconies) and the local handicrafts, whether in the form of textile products, ceramic, or local cakes and sweetmeats.

The town is connected to the two main airports by motorways. The easiest access is from the North Airport (TFN, or Los Rodeos) along the TF-5 motorway. This is an approximately 20 minute journey along the coast. The South Airport (TFS, or Reina Sofia) is more than an hour away along the TF-1 and then TF-5 motorways. Puerto de la Cruz has very good bus connections with the rest of the island and fares are generally very cheap and buses plentiful.


There are two very good private clinics in Puerto de La Cruz: Hospiten Bellevue (phone: 922-383551) and Hospiten Tamaragua (phone: 922-380512).

There are also two large hospitals in Tenerife, the General Hospital (Hospital Universitario de Canarias) (phone: 922-678000), which is under the control of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife; and the Residence of the National Health Service (Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria) (phone: 922-602114). Both are amply equipped with the most sophisticated medical facilities.

There are also Red Cross centres at regular along the main motorways and roads of the island, which have emergency telephones at regular intervals. In case of any kind of emergency, directly dial 112.