Galilei, Fabricius and the Discovey of Sunspots

Wilfried Schröder




In June 1611 Johann Fabricius published his remarkable book entitled "Narratio de Maculis in Sole observatis…" in which he described the discovery and regular observations of sunspots. A catalogue for the autumn book-fair in Frankfurt gives the following announcement: "Joh. Fabricii Phrysii de Maculis in Sole observatis et apparente earum cum Sole conversione Narratio, Wittenbergae, 1611". It is of interest that this name did not appear in the scientific correspondence between Scheiner and Galilei. Furthermore, we can note that most early scholars overlooked the sunspot research by David and Johann Fabricius. On the other hand, Kepler and Simon Marius did point out the priority of Fabricius’ work. There is no question of Fabricius priority in this discovery, because Scheiner’s letter appeared in January 1612, and Galilei’s first note dated from March 1612. This paper gives a more detailed review of the historical and scientific situation in the work of Fabricius, Galilei and Scheiner.

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