Invited_talk abstract details

Gauge and constraint degrees of freedom: from analytical to numerical approximations in General Relativity
Carles Bona


The harmonic formulation of Einstein’s field equations is considered, where the gauge conditions are introduced as dynamical constraints. The difference between the fully constrained approach (used in analytical approximations) and the free evolution one (used in most numerical approximations) is pointed out. As a generalization, quasi-stationary gauge conditions are also discussed, including numerical experiments with the gauge-waves testbed.

The complementary 3+1 approach is also considered, where constraints are related instead with energy and momentum first integrals and the gauge must be provided separately. The relationship between the two formalisms is discussed in a more general framework: the Z4 formalism. Some examples of the synergy between the two formalisms are discussed. On the contrary, different strategies in black hole simulations follow when introducing singularity avoidance as a requirement. More flexible quasi-stationary gauge conditions are proposed in this context, which can be seen as generalizations of the ‘Gamma driver’ prescription.