Invited_talk abstract details

Compact Astronomical X-ray sources: General Relativity at work
X. Barcons


Matter in the immediate vicinity of black holes or neutron stars is subject to the strongest gravitational fields that can be tested with current observatories. X-ray observations of Active Galactic Nuclei, stellar black holes and neutron stars reveal a number of effects of General Relativity working on matter infalling onto these compact objects. Although these observations do not constitute a test of General Relativity in the strong field limit, they do however show (or will be able to show in the future when more sensitive X-ray observatories are operational) strong gravity at work displaying a number of effects: strong gravitational redshifts, innermost stable circular orbits, strong light bending effects and perhaps Lense-Thirring precession. I will show what we have learned about these effects with contemporary X-ray observatories -especially Chandra and XMM-Newton- and will also discuss the expectations from future missions like XEUS.