3rd DENIS Euroconference

The Impact of Large-Scale Near-IR Sky Surveys

24-26 April 1996

Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain

The proceedings of this Euroconference will be published in the Astrophysics and Space Science Library series of Kluwer Academic Publishers. Please copy the Latex style file crckapb.sty and the instruction file crckapb.tex and follow the instrucions there in for preparing your manuscript. The length of your contribution must not exceed the following limits:

Deadline for delivering your camera ready sheets plus email the tex and postscript files: 20th of May

What I expect from you are the following:

  1. the camera ready manuscript, prepared using the latex styles macros. Please, leave the appropiate space blank in the text for the figures, and submit the illustrations separately. Please, put the figure numbers in pencil in the open spaces in the text and on the back of the figures. Also indicated the top of the illustration. This have to sent by surface mail to me along with your filled consent to publication form (back sheet) that you have to bring with you from the conference.
  2. the latex file and the postcript files for the figures, via email to Please send one file for message, indicating in the subject line the content of the file.
Please, restrict the length of your contribution to the extent indicated above.

Postal Address:

Francisco Garzón

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

38200-La Laguna (Tenerife)