13-15 January 1997

Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

A workshop co-organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Departamento de Astrofísica de la Universidad de La Laguna and the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, with support from the European Union (Training and Mobility of Researchers -- Access to Large-scale Facilities).

A revolution is currently taking place in the study of extragalactic radio sources. New, large-area and relatively deep radio surveys are becoming available, enabling a large variety of observational cosmology to be carried out based on them. The increased source density and sensitivity, along with the large areas covered by the surveys, allow studies based on both the statistics of the surveys and the sources themselves. This, coupled with improving technology in all wavebands allows detailed multiwavelength follow-up of the galaxies and AGNs responsible for the radio emission. A workshop bringing together those who are working in this field is therefore timely.

This is the second announcement for the workshop. It includes more details about the workshop, including a very rough programme based on the responses to the first announcement to give you a flavour of the workshop (nothing is finalised yet). We are still looking for more contributions. This announcement also includes some important information on timescales, accommodation etc.


Scientific Organizing Committee: M.N. Bremer (Chair), I. Pérez-Fournon (co-chair), R.H. Becker, G. de Bruyn, J. Condon, N. Jackson, V. Kapahi, R. McMahon, G. Miley, H. de Ruiter, R. Saunders, A. Serrano

Local Organizing Committee: I. Pérez-Fournon (chair), M. Balcells, I. Bellido, F. Cabrera-Guerra, E. González-Solares, M. Murphy, L. Ramírez-Castro, A. Regalado-Ojeda

e-mail: cosmowrk@iac.es

Important Dates
December 10th Deadline for hotel bookings.
December 15th Final chance to register (and pay registration fee).
December 15th Final announcement (e-mail only).
December 20th Deadline for abstracts.
January 13-15th Workshop.
March 1st Deadline for Proceedings.


This circular contains information about:
Preliminary Programme
General information
Hotel booking information
How to get to the Hotels
Changing Money
Trip to La Palma
Contact address


The SOC will try to accommodate as many oral contributions as possible, although if necessary (for reasons of time), some contributions may have to be presented as posters (of course some participants may wish to present posters anyway). To aid the SOC in this process, when registering could you please provide a brief abstract of your talk, if possible.

Panels (1m x 1m) will be available in a room adjacent to the conference hall for display of posters.

Both oral and poster presentations will be published in the proceedings.

Preliminary Programme:

NB This is made up of the titles provided by people who responded to the first announcement as either possible or definite, and invited speakers. Thus it will change, based on the responses to this second announcement. It is merely here to give you a flavour of the workshop, the subjecty headings will not necessarily reflect the final organisation of the programme. We still want more contributed talks.

 Introduction + Overview of previous surveys

Longair: What have we learnt from Previous surveys (3C,4C).
Best: HST imaging of 3C galaxies.
de Koff: HST snapshot imaging of 3C sources

Descriptions of the New Surveys

Miley: The WENSS Survey.
Condon: The NVSS Survey.
Becker: The FIRST Survey.
Hunstead: The MOST southern sky survey.
Browne: The JVAS/CLASS survey.

Large Scale Structure and Radio Surveys

Wall: Radio sources and large-scale structure.
Benn: Large-scale structure from radio surveys.
Cress: Probing density perturbations with the FIRST survey.
Rengelink: Large scale structure in combined, multi-frequency 
Bertoni: Radio source clustering and cosmological numerical 

Distant Galaxies and Clusters in the Radio

MRAO: S-Z and H_0.
MRAO: S-Z towards distant (proto-) clusters.
MRAO: High frequency surveys and the CAT.
Jones: Optical follow-up of S-Z Detections.
Kellerman: VLA Observations of the HDF.
Campos: Ultra-deep galaxy number counts with the HDF.
Jackson: HST imaging of CLASS Gravitational lenses.
Benitez: Radio loud AGN and the magnification bias.
Becker: Distant Clusters from the FIRST survey.
Zanichelli: Clusters of Galaxies at intermediate redshifts: a 
	radio-selected sample from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey.
Gibson: Peculiar Velocities of Southern Clusters of Galaxies.

Distant  Radio loud AGNs

Rawlings:  High redshift radio galaxies.
Bremer: USS radio sources from the WENSS mini survey.
Pentericci: HST and ground based imaging of Distant Radio 
de Breuck: Searching for the most distant radio galaxies.
Carilli: Radio Continuum Polarimetric Imaging of High 
Redshift Radio Galaxies.
Cimatti: Keck spectroscopy and polarimetry of high z radio 
Kapahi:  The Molonglo Galaxy Sample.
Rocca-Volmerange: Star formation in distant radio galaxies.
Villani: IR imaging of distant WENSS sources.
McMahon: Evolution in Radio loud quasars.
Baker: The Molonglo Quasar Sample.
Gregg: Bright Quasars from the FIRST Survey.
Hook: Surveys for High Redshift Radio-Loud QSOs.
Lehnert: HST imaging of high redshift Radio loud quasars.
Carballo: Near infrared imaging of radio QSOs in the B3VLA 

Luminosity and Size Evolution as cosmological probes

Dunlop: The high-redshift evolution of radio sources.
de Ruiter: The nearby radio luminosity function from WENSS.
Cotton: NVSS observations of UGC galaxies.
Snellen: The cosmological implications of the properties of 
	GPS radio sources.
Schoenmakers: Giant radio sources from the WENSS and FIRST 
Cotter: Cosmological evolution of Giant radio sources.
Vermeulen: Cosmology with Superluminal Motion Surveys.
Roland: Superluminal expansion as a cosmological probe.
Gurvitz: VLBI surveys as cosmological tests.

Combining Radio surveys with surveys at other wavelengths

Perez-Fournon: Radio properties of distant X-ray sources.
di Serego Alighieri: Distant radio galaxies and ISO.
Brinkmann: Radio to X-ray properties of AGN.
Hughes: Dust in high redshift radio galaxies.
TBD: Statistical techniques for combining surveys in 
	different wavebands.
Briggs: Redshifted HI 21cm Lines at WSRT.

There are many other respondents who gave no title for an oral presentation. A list of those who registered an interest in the workshop after the first announcement is provided on the Workshop's web pages (http://www.iac.es/cosmowrk/participants.txt).


The registration fee is 20,000 pesetas to be paid by bank transfer to:
Bank name: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya.
Bank address:

C/ Obispo Rey Redondo, 25
E-38201 La Laguna, Tenerife

Full account number: 0182 0772 45 0000 134741
Bank: 0182
Branch: 0772
Sorting code: 45
Account number: 0000 134741
Please quote your name and the following reference with your bank transfer:
Cosmology Workshop.

This covers workshop attendance, coffee breaks, a copy of the Proceedings, and the conference dinner.

The deadline for registration is DECEMBER 15th. Please fill the registration form (http://www.iac.es/cosmowrk/regform.html). If you have problems accessing the web pages, let us know (by e-mail to cosmowrk@iac.es) and we will send you the forms. Those who replied to our first announcement as 'possible' attendees, but are now 'definites' please re-register to signify this.

Those of you who intend to come, or at present would like to come but are unsure of funding, please register electronically on our web page, so that we keep your names on our mailing list. But we urge you to make a decision as soon as possible because hotel bookings will be difficult after December 10th.

General Information

Canary Islands and Tenerife:

The Canarian Archipelago consists of seven major islands and a few small islands or islets. Their total area is about 7,500 square kilometres and they are located 1,100 kilometres from the Spanish mainland, and about 100 kilometres from the African coast. Geographically the islands are part of the African continent but from a historical, economical, political and socio-cultural point of view, the Canaries are completely European.

One of the defining characteristic of Tenerife is its climatic diversity and changing landscapes. As might be imagined for a volcanic island reaching nearly 4,000 m in altitude on the edge of the tropics, Tenerife, with its climate moderated by the Atlantic, is a scenic island where old, colonial-style cities and attractive towns mingle with a great variety of vegetation and landscapes. The climate in the coast is mild during January and suitable for bathing, with temperatures in the range 17 to 21 C during the day, and 15 to 19 C at night. Temperatures may drop slightly below this, however, when moving towards the inner regions of the Island. By contrast, the Pico del Teide (3,700 m) may be covered in snow at this time of the year. Please bear this in mind if you wish to join the planned tour to the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (2,396 m) on the neighbouring island of La Palma. At sea level the weather may be slightly rainy too, so we recommend you bring a sweater or a light jacket with you.
Workshop Venue:

The Workshop will be held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, a seaside resort some 40 km from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the island's capital (see island map).
The sessions will take place in the Conference Centre of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, the local Authority in the Island. It is within walking distance from the hotels where participants will be accommodated ( see map). The hotels and the Conference Centre are surrounded by quiet, beautiful gardens overlooking the town center.


Rooms will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis in hotels close to the Conference Centre. Daily rates in Pesetas, excluding 4% local taxes, are per person sharing a double room. The single room supplement is to be added to the rate given for double rooms in the case you prefer to have a room to yourself. We recommend you take half board (for lunch) since there are not many restaurants in the area, and there will be little time to pop into town.

If you would like us to book a hotel room for you , please fill in the Hotel Accommodation Form, using the WEB form: http://www.iac.es/cosmowrk/accform.html and return it to us before December 10th . After this deadline we cannot guarantee bookings given the time of the year (high season for tourism in the Canaries). Hotels will be charging the rate of the first night of your booking, in the event of late arrivals; cancellations should be made at least 48 hours in advance in order to avoid charges.

Hotel Puerto Palace
Hotel Miramar
Bed and Breakfast Room and Half Board Room and Full Board Supplement Single Room Bed and Breakfast Room and Half Board Room and Full Board Supplement Single Room
6380 6930 8525 1450 4450 4950 5750 2000

The addresses of the hotels are:

Calle Doctor Cobiella Zaera             Parque Taoro
Urbanizacion San Antonio                Puerto de La Cruz
38200 Puerto de la Cruz                 Phone +34 22 384811                             
Phone +34 22 372460                     Fax   +34 22 371067
Fax   +34 22 373523

The Puerto Palace hotel is 10 minutes walking distance from the Conference Centre whereas the Miramar is next door to it.

How to get to the Hotels

Puerto de la Cruz lies at 35 km from Los Rodeos airport (known as Tenerife Norte, or TFN), and 100 km from the main internacional Reina Sofía airport (known as Tenerife Sur, or TFS). Both airports are at about 2.5 hrs flying time from Madrid. TFN deals mostly with domestic flights from the Spanish mainland, while TFS connects Tenerife with a number of European cities, and other parts of the world.

Unfortunately the conference will not be able to provide transportation from the airport to the conference site or viceversa. Below we give information about transport

If you are arriving at Tenerife South airport (TFS-Reina Sofia):
you can either catch a taxi (about 10,000 Pesetas, 1 US dollar is about 125 Pesetas) or a bus. Bus services are as follows:

*South Airport to Puerto de la Cruz (line 340), direct service;
departure times: 9:45, 14:00, 20:00, and 23:30, price: 1,075 pesetas.
*South Airport to Santa Cruz main bus terminal (line 341), direct service; departure times: in conjunction with Iberia arrivals, every 40 minutes; price: 690 pesetas.
*Santa Cruz main bus terminal to Puerto de la Cruz (line 102), direct service; departure times: every 30 min until 21:15. Additionally, two more services operate at 22:30 and 24:00; price: 470 pesetas.

If you arrive at Tenerife North airport (TFN-Los Rodeos):
buses for Puerto de la Cruz leave every 30 min. (line 102, coming from the terminal in Santa Cruz, and stopping at the airport 20 or 30 minutes after its departures from Santa Cruz) costing 375 Pesetas. A taxi would cost 2,500 Pesetas.

The local bus company is called TITSA ( the buses are bright green!) , and the local name for "bus" is "guagua" or "autobus".

There's still an uphill stretch from the bus terminal in Puerto de la Cruz to the hotels, and for this we recommend a taxi.

Sharing a taxi with other participants:
Since many participants will be arriving on the same flights or at similar times, you might consider sharing a taxi with other participants to get to Puerto de la Cruz. Web fanatics may want to use the taxi-share notice board available on our Workshop WEB pages (http://www.iac.es/cosmowrk/transport/transport.html). You will be able to post your arrival time and to access the list of arrival times for participants, together with their e-mail addresses. This file (http://www.iac.es/cosmowrk/transport/comments.html) is updated on our server automatically. You should then email potential taxi partners directly and arrange to meet at the airport.

Changing Money

There is a bank within the international arrivals lounge at the Reina Sofia (Tenerife South) airport, which opens daily except Sundays and public holidays. If you are travelling through Madrid the exchange bureau opens round the clock. However, no currency exchange facilities are available at Los Rodeos (Tenerife North) airport.

Many banks are available in Puerto de la Cruz, and they open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 hrs.

The current exchange rate is about 125 Pesetas per US dollar. Credit cards are widely accepted in Spain (restaurants, hotels, etc.) although not at the conference desk. Apologies!

Trip to La Palma

All participants are invited to join a trip to the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (ORM), the international observatory located on the neighbouring Island of La Palma, on Thursday January 16th.. The cost of the trip is 14000 pesetas, which includes a return ticket from Tenerife North airport to La Palma, and transport to and from your hotel. Other expenses on the Island are being met jointly by the conference organizers and the local Tourist board.

The Island of La Palma is the furthest from the African coast, and lies NW of the archipelago. With an extension of 728 square km, it is the island with the highest peaks in the world in relation to its surface. The Roque de Los Muchachos peak reaches an altitude of 2426 metres and hosts the observatory bearing its name. One of the most impressive scenes is the Caldera de Taburiente, a depression adjacent to the Roque de los Muchachos 9000 m in diameter, 800 m deep and a circumference of 28000 m, which participants will have a chance to visit.

For information on the telescopes installed at the ORM, please visit our Web site at http://www.iac.es/folleto/orm.html


Due to restrictions imposed by the local air company BINTER, (i) we are forced to book tickets by early December, and (ii) tickets cannot be returned or changed, so by booking you are committing yourself to purchasing the ticket!!! We therefore urge all those interested in taking part in the trip, to let us know (either in the appropriate section of the registration form or by separate e-mail) as soon as possible. Those of you who have already expressed interest in the tour, will be booked a seat, unless you cancel promptly. Please prepare to pay for the trip fee at the registration desk upon arrival at the conference. Only cash and eurocheques /travellers cheques accepted!

The approximate programme of events is as follows:

06:30 	Bus leaves hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

07:40	Departure from Tenerife North airport

08:10 	Arrival at La Palma

08:30	Departure from La Palma airport, and transfer
	to the ORM.

10:00	Arrival at the ORM

10:30	Observatory tour and snack

14:30	Departure ORM and transfer to restaurant for
	late lunch

17:00	Visit to the capital, Santa Cruz de La Palma

18:00	Transfer to airport for return flight at 19:00

20:30	Arrival at hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

Contact Address

For further assistance, please contact us at the following address:

Monica Murphy (Workshop on Observational Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys)
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
C/ Vía Láctea s/n
E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife
Tel: + 34 22 605261
Fax: + 34 22 605210
e-mail: cosmowrk@iac.es
WWW URL address: http://www.iac.es/cosmowrk/index.html