Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands


13-15 January 1997



			Sunday, January 12th

17:00     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre 

19:30     Informal gathering at the Miramar hotel (bar-hall on the 
          ground floor) 

			Monday, January 13th

08:00     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre 

09:00     Welcome Addresses                                      Bremer 

	  Introduction and overview of previous surveys   

09:15     What have we learnt from previous surveys (3C,4C)?      Longair
09:40     The nature of the high redshift 3CR radio galaxies      Best

10:00     HST snapshot survey of 3CR Radio Sources Counterparts   de Koff

10:20     The NRAO VLA Sky Survey                                 Condon

10:45     Coffee Break

11:15     The view from the South                                 Hunstead

	  Distant Galaxies and Clusters in the Radio                    

11:40     Imaging the Cosmic Microwave Background                 Saunders

12:05     S-Z and Ho                                              Grainge

12:25     The CAT: Primordial CMB anisotropies and sources        Baker
          at 15GHz                      

12:45     Lunch

14:30     A high-redshift cluster detected via its S-Z effect     Jones

14:50     Detection of a  small-scale CMB anisotropy at 3.6cm     Richards

15:10     The VLA FIRST Survey                                    Becker
15:35     Clusters of Galaxies at intermediate redshifts          Zanichelli
          from NVSS                                              

15:55     Coffee Break

16:25     X-ray observations of distant radio galaxies            Crawford

16:50     Search for gravitational lensing around ACO             Andernach
          clusters from the shape of FIRST radio sources         

17:10     Radio halos as probes of (distant) clusters             Rottgering
          of galaxies

17:30     WSRT Frontends: HI absorption at high redshifts         de Bruyn

17:50     Poster Session

20:30     Welcome Reception at the Restaurant "Costa Martianez" 
          (far end of Lago Martianez - close to Plaza de los 
          Reyes Catolicos, opposite hotel Vallemar).

          No transport provided. Please refer to map in 
          conference folder for directions. 

 			Tuesday, January 14th

08:30     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre

	  Large Scale Structure and Radio Surveys     

09:00     Radio sources and large-scale structure                 Wall

09:25     Probing density perturbations with the FIRST            Cress

09:45     The WENSS survey, and evidence for large-scale          Rengelink
          structure in WENSS

10:10     Large-scale structure from radio surveys                Benn

10:30     Coffee Break

	  Distant  Radio loud AGNs     

11:00     High redshift radio loud QSOs                           McMahon

11:25     Observations of quasar host galaxies                    Lehnert

11:45     Molonglo quasars: reddening and torus geometry          Baker

12:05     The Cambridge low-frequency radio surveys               Waldram

12:15     The 6C and 7C redshift surveys and the evolution        Rawlings
          of elliptical galaxies

12:40     Lunch

14:30     Distant radio galaxies from the WENSS surveys           Bremer

14:50     Searching for high redshift radio galaxies              de Breuck

15:10     Dissecting high-z powerful radiogalaxies with           Cimatti
          Keck observations

15:30     Probing the Warm Gas in Intermediate Redshift           Neeser
          Radio Galaxies: New Results on the Alignment Effect

15:50     Coffee Break

16:20     IR imaging of distant WENSS sources                     Villani

16:40     Declining Quasar Fractions as evidence for              Jackson
          Unified Schemes

17:00     A complete radio-selected sample of weak                Willott
          steep-spectrum quasars

17:20     Radio and optical properties of a faint radio           Gruppioni
          galaxy and quasar sample

17:40     Poster session

			Wednesday, January 15th

08:30     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre

	  Luminosity and Size Evolution as cosmological probes  

09:00     The high-redshift evolution of radio galaxies           Dunlop

09:25     6C, 7C and MRC surveys: evolution of radio sources      Blundell
          to z=4.4

09:45     NVSS observations of UGC galaxies                       Cotton

10:05     Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum Sources as Cosmological       Snellen

10:25     Cosmological evolution of Giant radio sources           Cotter

10:45     Coffee Break

11:15     The luminosity-size evolution of FRII radio sources     Kaiser

11:35     The angular size distribution of 6000 sources from      Fletcher
          the MIT-VLA snapshot archive

11:55     Superluminal Motion Surveys and Cosmology               Vermeulen

12:15     VLBI surveys as cosmological tests                      Gurvits

12:35     The angular-size vs. redshift test for compact          Wilkinson
          radio sources

12:55     Lunch

	  Gravitational Lensing    

14:30     The JVAS/CLASS Survey                                   Browne

14:55     HST imaging of CLASS Gravitational lenses               Jackson

15:15     Cosmological implications of Gravitational lensing      Wambsganss

	  Combining Radio surveys with surveys at other wavelengths 

15:35     Thermal emission from dust in high redshift radio       Hughes

15:55     Coffee Break

16:25     Radio to X-ray properties of AGN                        Brinkmann

16:45     The cross-correlation of the ROSAT All-sky Survey       Siebert
          and the 87GB radio catalogue: X-ray properties of 
          radio loud quasars

17:05     Radio observations of the Hubble Deep Field 		  Richards

17:25     Evolution of gas and dust in ordinary galaxies          Briggs

17:45     Poster session

19:45     Bus leaves from the Miramar hotel for conference dinner

20:00     Bus leaves from the Puerto Palace hotel for conference dinner

20:30     Conference dinner at the Restaurant "El Monasterio" 

22:30     Bus returns to the hotels 

                          Thursday, January 16th
Optional Excursion to the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on 
the Island of La Palma.         

For further assistance, you can contact us at the following address:


Monica Murphy (Workshop on Observational Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys)
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
C/ Via Lactea s/n
E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife
Tel: + 34 22 605261
Fax: + 34 22 605210
e-mail: cosmowrk@iac.es
WWW URL address: http://www.iac.es/cosmowrk/

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