Loops Workshops

The Coronal Loops Workshops are a series of highly focused biennial meetings, organised since 2002. They deal with the observation and modelling of magnetically confined solar plasma in solar active regions. The general objective is to understand the physical processes that create and heat the magnetically dominated corona in the form of EUV and X-ray loop structures.

This is the 11th workshop of a well establised series. Past workshops were held in Orsay (2002), Palermo (2004), Santorini (2007), Firenze (2009), Palma de Mallorca (2011), La Roche-en-Ardenne (2013), Cambridge (2015), Palermo (2017), St Andrews (2019), and Paris (2022).

The abstract submission (for talks and posters) and pre-registration is open from the 1st of March until April 15th. We encourage graduate students and early-career postdocs to participate and present their research work. While abstracts are not required for participation, preference will be given to those who submit abstracts, in order to limit the number of participants to 75.


The UNESCO Word Heritage City of San Cristobal de La Laguna ( description - gallery - video ), on the Island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). Scientific sessions will take place in the Lounge Nivaria conference hall of Hotel Nivaria .