Talk abstract details
Cosmic Symbolism in Cultures of the Epoch of Bronze
Many questions are kept in archeological monuments of Eurasia, which were designed-in the epoch of bronze and had circular-formed construction. This approach to lay out circular-formed monuments forces to search for the common semantic concept between them. The conformity of typical constructions could be caused by cultural contacts and by cosmological situation, as probable as above mentioned archeological monuments approximately relate to the same period: IV-II millennium B.C.
The idea of this cosmological plan seems to be mysterious, though if we shall take a look to the star sky of IV-II millennia B.C. by eyes of people of that time that, then, probably, we shall guess it. An idea of “circle” and “wheel” could appear from contemplation of circumpolar constellations rotation. The circumpolar constellations were not recess under horizon, and there’s complete rotation was observed higher, roughly, latitude 30º north. Nevertheless, this idea could be realized by detection of star sky centre, that is the Celestial Pole, which became visible only when the Pole star got into the Celestial Pole as a consequence of precession. Such kind of the Pole star in the IV-II millennium B.C. was the star Thuban - the alpha of the Draco. Visible rotation center of the Northern star sky and close rotation of the Draco constellation, Ursa Major and Minor near it created impressing picture of circular sky motion, both diurnal and annual. Therewith, verges of "dipper" for Ursa Major and Minor approximately indicated the center of rotation, so, it could cause the idea of “wheel with arms” and “clocks with arrows”.
Contemporaries of that epoch had to notice this star prompting. It is possible to assume, that observation of this polar phenomenon in the Northern hemisphere was a push toward development for many civilizations of the epoch of bronze, specific characters of which were: use of wheel, circular lay-outs of settlements and funeral complexes, specifications of calendar systems, blossoming of mythological creativity with an advent of new polar characters that were carriers of the Heroic epos, in religion – advent of new deities, and symbols in fine arts.
The idea of this cosmological plan seems to be mysterious, though if we shall take a look to the star sky of IV-II millennia B.C. by eyes of people of that time that, then, probably, we shall guess it. An idea of “circle” and “wheel” could appear from contemplation of circumpolar constellations rotation. The circumpolar constellations were not recess under horizon, and there’s complete rotation was observed higher, roughly, latitude 30º north. Nevertheless, this idea could be realized by detection of star sky centre, that is the Celestial Pole, which became visible only when the Pole star got into the Celestial Pole as a consequence of precession. Such kind of the Pole star in the IV-II millennium B.C. was the star Thuban - the alpha of the Draco. Visible rotation center of the Northern star sky and close rotation of the Draco constellation, Ursa Major and Minor near it created impressing picture of circular sky motion, both diurnal and annual. Therewith, verges of "dipper" for Ursa Major and Minor approximately indicated the center of rotation, so, it could cause the idea of “wheel with arms” and “clocks with arrows”.
Contemporaries of that epoch had to notice this star prompting. It is possible to assume, that observation of this polar phenomenon in the Northern hemisphere was a push toward development for many civilizations of the epoch of bronze, specific characters of which were: use of wheel, circular lay-outs of settlements and funeral complexes, specifications of calendar systems, blossoming of mythological creativity with an advent of new polar characters that were carriers of the Heroic epos, in religion – advent of new deities, and symbols in fine arts.