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Astronomical marker of “Cabeceras de Izcagua”: Where the doors of the sky are opened.
Astronomical marker of “Cabeceras de Izcagua”: Where the doors of the sky are opened. (Garafía, La Palma Island, Canary Islands, Spain)
The Canary Islands are close to the Atlantic coast in the north of Africa, it has been inhabited since 1st millennium before Christ by different tribes of Bereber origin. Specifically, in La Palma island awara people adapted their ritual habits and myths to the special characteristics of its landscape. They devoted their lives to astral beliefs (sun and moon among others) building many sanctuaries of stone accumulation shape, rock engravings, canals and particular house buildings, which can be found around the island. On a 2140 meters sea level, they built an astronomical marker in a place called Cabeceras de Izcagua (Garafía), from a point in the land where the setting of the sun ends during the equinoxes behind the highest point in the island, El Roque de los Muchachos. The two opposing placing of the sun (the solstices) were settled down with many individual lines of stone accumulations.
Key Words:
The Canary Islands, La Palma, Cabeceras de Izcagua, awara people, astronomical marker, rocks, sun, equinoxes, solstices, engravings, stone accumulations, Iruene, Aap.
The Canary Islands are close to the Atlantic coast in the north of Africa, it has been inhabited since 1st millennium before Christ by different tribes of Bereber origin. Specifically, in La Palma island awara people adapted their ritual habits and myths to the special characteristics of its landscape. They devoted their lives to astral beliefs (sun and moon among others) building many sanctuaries of stone accumulation shape, rock engravings, canals and particular house buildings, which can be found around the island. On a 2140 meters sea level, they built an astronomical marker in a place called Cabeceras de Izcagua (Garafía), from a point in the land where the setting of the sun ends during the equinoxes behind the highest point in the island, El Roque de los Muchachos. The two opposing placing of the sun (the solstices) were settled down with many individual lines of stone accumulations.
Key Words:
The Canary Islands, La Palma, Cabeceras de Izcagua, awara people, astronomical marker, rocks, sun, equinoxes, solstices, engravings, stone accumulations, Iruene, Aap.