Poster abstract details
Review of topo-astronomical methods for the precise orientation in archaeological sites
In the field of Archaeoastronomy, in order to obtain trustworthy results, a precise orientation of the construction is necessary. For this goal, the Geodesy and the Astronomy provide several techniques and methodologies with different orders of precision.
Sometimes, the state of the deposits makes that the archaeological elements need of different methodologies adapted to its conservation. A review of the methods and instrumentation used in the determination of topo-astronomical alignments is presented in this paper, with a detailed description and discussion on the applicability of these for the different condition of conservation of the vestiges.
This study is undertaken in the frame of the following Projects: “Archaeological operation at the site Los Rodiles (Cubillejo de la Sierra, Guadalajara)” sponsored by Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, started in 2006 and continues annually, and “Application of the technologies GPS in archaeological works. ARQUEOGPS”started in 2007 and sponsored by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Sometimes, the state of the deposits makes that the archaeological elements need of different methodologies adapted to its conservation. A review of the methods and instrumentation used in the determination of topo-astronomical alignments is presented in this paper, with a detailed description and discussion on the applicability of these for the different condition of conservation of the vestiges.
This study is undertaken in the frame of the following Projects: “Archaeological operation at the site Los Rodiles (Cubillejo de la Sierra, Guadalajara)” sponsored by Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, started in 2006 and continues annually, and “Application of the technologies GPS in archaeological works. ARQUEOGPS”started in 2007 and sponsored by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.