Talk abstract details
Astronomical Orientation in Ancient Dacian Sanctuaries of Piatra Craivii, Romania. Preliminary Results.
It is about the first Dacian fortress, discovered in the right part of Mures River, at 20 km north of Alba-Iulia city, in the proximity of the rich gold deposits of Apuseni Montains In this way, also were discovered here rectangular sanctuaries formed from gritstone tambours of circular form and quadrilate-ral, solstitial orientated. The first of this is hanging on approximately 31,5m x 11m. On the other terrace, conventional named balcony-terrace, there is other sanctuary with a surface of 17m x 8m Some of researches made in the summer of the year 2007 were gone to the discovery of other two sanctuaries,there are now in the discovery faze. From this reason for these san-ctuaries there are not again the astronomical orientation determinations. The measurements for the determinations of the solstitial astronomical orientations of the sanctuaries from Piatra Craivii it was accomplished two types of methods - anti-quity method type and modern methods, applied at the celestial plans configuration from antiquity (e=23°40'). The existence of astronomical orientation in the differently places in the country (Sarmizegetusa-Regia, Racos, Pustiosu, Meleia, Fetele –Albe and Piatra Craivii), demonstrate, by our opinion, the purposelity of this orientation, in the plans of the ancient builders.