Talk abstract details
MIinoan Labyrinth: The Oldest Map of the Sky
According to Greek Mythology the inventor of the geodetic net was Hephaestus (Hom. Il. 394-397) and the first cartographer Daedalus as designer and constructor of the Minoan Labyrinth. The Minoan Labyrinth is the oldest outline Universal Model, a map of the sky with the number seven (7) in the centre of it. The “shape” of number seven (7) rises up from an isosceles Greek cross and the depiction of four big and very well-known constellations, one at each point of the cross; 1) Draco, 2) Ursa Major (vertically), 3) the Pole Star of Ursa Minor and 4) Bootes (Arcturus) horizontally. Based on this, the Minoans were the only ones who, in at least 3500 BC but probably even earlier than that, were capable of extended sea travels, in time and distance. The oldest terrestrial depiction of the earth surface (land and sea) in the Minoan times, was given by fresco maps of the Knossos Palace, known as “Shields of shape eight”, a multicenter projection from North to South and later in the Mycenaean Palace we also have this depiction and knowledge of cartography.