Name of the Speaker(s): Travis A. Rector
Institution: Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy CU Campus Box 389, University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0389
Title of the communication: Multiwavelength Studies of Radio-Selected BL Lacertae Objects
Preliminary abstract (12 lines max.): Due to their rarity, there are only two statistically-complete samples of BL Lacs: the 1 Jy radio-selected sample (RBLs) and the EMSS X-ray-selected sample (XBLs). The "beaming hypothesis" suggests that RBLs are highly-beamed Fanaroff-Riley class I radio galaxies, while XBLs are viewed further from the jet axis. However, several differences exist between the two samples which are not easily explained by the beaming hypothesis; and alternate theories have been proposed (e.g. the "high-energy cutoff" model). XBLs have been studied in detail; however, RBLs are not as yet well studied. I will present results from radio and optical observations, part of a multiwavelength study which will define the properties of the RBL sample and will allow testing of the beaming hypothesis and alternate theories. If these results are consistent with the beaming hypothesis, limits will also be placed upon physical and beaming parameters of jets within BL Lacs.