Name of the Speaker(s): Victor Oknyanskij
Institution: Sternberg State Astronomical Institute
Title of the communication: VARIABLE RADIO ECHO FROM A JET IN Q0957+561
Preliminary abstract (12 lines max.): QSO 0957+561 is the famous double quasar which is a generally eccepted case of gravitational lensing. Radio-optical correlation in the Q0957+561 was first preliminary reported by Oknyanskij & Beskin (1993, here after OB). OB used a clear idea to take into account the known gravitational lensing time delay to get combined radio and optical light curves and then to use them for determination of the possible radio-from-optical time delay. It was found this way that radio variations (5 MHz) followed optical ones by about 6.4 years with high level of correlation (~0.87). Using new radio data (Haarasma et al. 1996), I have got nearly the same value of the optical-to-radio delay as it had been found before. New data give opportunities for physical constrains on the radio source: velocity, size, location. I have made a conclusion that the variable radio source is ejected from the central part of the QSO compact region. Perhaps, Q0957+561 is physically related to Blazar type objects, but it has different orientation relative to the line of sight.