Provisional Calendar of Social Activities

The following is a first approximation to the social activities that we intend to include within the conference timetable. Most of these events will be free or have, at most, a modest charge. In some cases the cost depends on negotiations with local authorities which are still not finalized. We will update this programme as activities are fixed.

As many visitors will like to take advantage of a stay over Saturday night to obtain cheaper air travel, social activities will start on the Sunday morning immediately preceeding the conference.

Our aim is to promote a friendly atmosphere, in which participants will have as many chances as possible to get to know each other away from the formality of the conference hall.

Sunday, February 1, 1998

Morning departure at 10:00, afternoon return at 17:00

All day coach trip to Teide Observatory (2.400 m. above sea level), Las Cañadas National Park and to the mighty Teide volcano, 3.718 meters tall, the highest peak in Spain and the largest isolated mountain in all the Atlantic.


10:00h		Departure from Conference Centre.
11:00h		Tour of the "Observatorio del Teide".
13:00h		Departure to El Portillo for lunch.
14:45h		Tour of Las Caņadas and Teide National Park.
16:15h		Departure to Puerto de la Cruz.
17:00h		Arrival in Puerto (Hotels).

An alternative plan has been conceived in the event of bad weather. However, details will not be released until Sunday February 1st.

NOTE: Temperatures at the Observatory can drop below zero, so please bring warm clothing, rubber shoes and protection for your head (hat or similar).


Welcome cocktail and reception at the Conference Centre.

Monday, February 2, 1998


Guided tour by coach. We hope to include a special visit to Loro Parque.

Tuesday, February 3, 1998


Public lecture by Alan Hale, Thomas Bopp and Richard West. The discoverers of the two greatest comets of the last two decades compare impressions and experiences of their comets. Simultaneous translation will be provided for the public.

Wednesday, February 4, 1998


Conference dinner. Cover charge around 3.000 Ptas (USD $20.00).

Thursday, February 5, 1998


Free at the disposal of the participants (visits, go shopping...)

Friday, February 6, 1998

Full day trip to the island of La Palma

Departure early morning by plane, evening return to Tenerife on the last flight. La Palma is 150 km. away, just half an hour by air. According to the weather conditions this will include either a trip around the island (just 700 km2) stopping at some of the most important attractions (such as the Volcano Route in the south) and sampling local food and wine, or a combination of tourism and a visit to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory and the highest point of the island, 2.400 meters above sea level, perched above the impressive Caldera de Taburiente, a National Park and one of the largest volcanic craters of the world.

Hale-Bopp Conference Home Page.

Last Updated: January 23, 1998